Sunday, February 26, 2023

Shooting Schedules

My schedule for the film opening will probably start next week. Since, I will be finishing the research either this week or next week. These will be activities that will be done on these days. These are the typical days when they will be done. Their are some days that I will have done tasks that are not in the specific dates put as in my calendar. This calendar gives me the idea of when things are typically are due or coming to the deadline.

This first picture are the tasks from the end of February to the beginning of March. Most of these tasks will be based still on the draft of the storyboards referring to the film opening productions. In the beginning and middle of March is when the filming process will begin. Their will also be some editing days in the middle of March.

The second picture shows that tasks that will be done during the end of  March entering the first days of April of when the project is due. These days will mostly be the filming for the project and also the editing portion. These references help me a lot because it provides dates when I need to finish or start them. 

I use a calendar in my daily life. So I wanted to add it also to my project because it is important and useful tool that can help me a lot in the long run. Calendars and reminders are tools that help you be organized are unstressed.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Costuming options

Edith: Edith likes to wear a variety of clothes during the day. When she is at home she tends to wear a dress with some flip flops. This is the most comfortable outfit for Edith because she wears this type of outfit everyday. When she goes to the doctor she typically likes to wear a sweater on top of a dress with flats. She has been wearing this style for a long time and she has gotten used to it and likes it.

Edith in the hospital wears plain clothes. She wears a hospital gown with some slippers. This is the most comfortable outfit for Edith. When Edith leaves the hospital she likes to wear a sweater with pants and running shoes.

The nurse:
This is what the nurse will be wearing during the film opening. The nurse will wear a normal style, this style is typically used by every nurse. Nurse's typically wear a hat with scrubs that typically come in colors of blue and pink. Also, nurse's need to wear comfortable shoes as they stand all they long with patients.

Friday, February 24, 2023


Hi, I created the storyboards for the film opening. I have made these drawings to guide me during the filming portion of this project. This is not 100% the finished film this is just most of the ideas that are going to be used. The storyboard gives me a better view of the film by drawing and writing my ideas for the project. This process has helped me with what kinds of shots I would want to use during the filming. As I said earlier there might be some later changes during the production process.

There are two sections of my storyboard. Here are both:

This part of the storyboard was mostly the ideas what I got when thinking about my main character and what she was going to do in the production. These visuals are explaining what will happen in specific scenes or parts. I still have many different ideas for the ending these is just one concept that I think will be better for the production, but I might switch it after.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Planning the outline

I will use five step process to explain my outline. This process gives many details of what is going to happen during my film opening.

Exposition: Woman named Edith lives alone in her apartment. She doesn't like company because she is different from a typical individual. She is typically lonely in her apartment. Edith enjoys playing solitaire and reading books. That mostly excites her. When people knock on her door she typically hides from the door and doesn't answer.

Rising Action: Edith falls while going to her regular doctor and gets very hurt. People in the street instantly calls the ambulance to take her to the hospital. She experienced a bunch of pain in her legs and her body.

Climax: The nurse tells her that she can't be by herself anymore and needs company to be surveilling her 24 hours a day. Edith doesn't like the idea of this because she doesn't like people and prefers to be alone. She cant be alone as she is not able to walk. Her insurance will not cover the help and she is anxious as to what to do.

Falling Action: Edith starts to like the nurse and allows the nurse to be with her at the hospital because she only trusts her. The nurse reminds her of a good friend when she was a young lady. The nurse feels compassionate about the old lady and reminds her of her late mother. The nurse is a single mother having a hard time covering her rent and basic expenses. 

Resolution: Edith learns the nurse issues and for the first time she thinks about somebody else and invites the nurse to live with her so they can help each other.

This is a picture that I used as a reference for this outline. This will be a long adventure and this concept of writing has helped me a lot. 

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Technological Elements

For the technology used for the filming in my project, I wanted to use the most professional equipment I had. These are the three types of technology used for my project:

The tripod will be an important tool used for my project. It will make all the camera shots and angles nicer because it keeps the phone steady and straight. The tripod has many features in which I can use to maximize the quality of the film. The tripod allows the phone to get the best lighting and composition needed for the film.

                                                                   I Phone 11


The best source of camera quality would have to come from my phone. I don't have a camera which would force me to use a I phone 11. The I phone 11 still makes video or pictures come out very nice and with high quality. The photo will be the most important technological element because everything will be recorded on it.



The desktop will be a element used in my project for the editing. Everything that has to do with sound and edits will be made through my pc. The pc has the best and fastest apps that can edit the film project. A known app used for editing on a desktop is adobe premier.


Saturday, February 18, 2023

Plot Aspects

 My idea in a more clear view. This film has a reference to my grandmother. She is not alone as she has us but when she goes back to her apartment after visiting us I think of her of being lonely in her room. She lives in an older community building where there are many elders who don't get visitors at all. I imagine their lives and this gave me the idea to produce this story.

My plot aspect is the sedentary and lonely life of an older single woman. A woman in her late 70's who immigrated from a different country with her own culture and beliefs which differed from the American culture she has been trying to assimilate for years. She lives in an older community building. The building is old with a slow elevator and old painting on the walls. It has many empty apartments as elders die and nobody shows up for their belongings so my character does not have interactions with people; therefore, she becomes more anti social as year passes. Her apartment is dark and has the basic items. She does not like clutter. 

Her daily life is a routine until she has to go to the doctor. On one of those days she goes to the doctor, she trips and falls and she is required to go to the hospital. Her daily routine is changed. She is upset, sour and does not want anyone around her at the hospital.

A nurse resembles a good friend of hers when she was young. This nurse is the only one allowed in the room. There are some hard times between them until they both start getting along. Edith is no longer allowed to be by herself. She will have to be monitored by someone and the empathy from the nurse changes the course of Edith's lonely life.

An inspiration:

The movie "Up" from 2009 reminds me of Edith. It is about an old man who was lonely in his small house and nothing would cheer him up. A change on his daily routine made him meet a kid, he got caught up with this kid with no way of getting rid of him. He got used to him and feelings started to make the old man happier. 

Friday, February 17, 2023

The Character

Hello! Let me introduce the main character of my film opening. I will be describing her look, personality, moods, and living style. This is just an idea of my character , it is not 100% how that character will look.

I plan to create my character as a older person. It will be a female in their late 70's. She is a serious and complicated single woman. My character doesn't care about her appearance, so her style will be very simplistic. She would typically wear a long dress, a men's jacket with long socks and flats. This character is typically in her apartment most of the times because she doesn't like the presence of others. She never had kids and a family, so life for her was always lonely and boring. 

Her isolation is decaying her mental health. She is forgetful, easily irritated and in constant pain because of her arthritis. Her name will be Edith. I chose that name because it was a common name in the 40's. She will look similar to the picture on the left. Her hair is white, doesn't like the concept of wearing makeup. She immigrated in her late 40's from a different country, so it has been difficult for her to assimilate the American culture. 


I made some research on lonely elders in the United States. Some research I found was a report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) points out that nearly one-fourth of adults aged 65 and older are considered to be socially isolated. Also, according to the U.S. Census Bureau close to 14 million seniors age alone. 

Social isolation and loneliness are serious yet underappreciated public health risks that affect a significant portion of the older adult population. 

  • Social isolation has been associated with a significantly increased risk of premature mortality from all causes;
  • Social isolation has been associated with an approximately 50 percent increased risk of developing dementia;
  • Loneliness among heart failure patients has been associated with a nearly four times increased risk of death, 68 percent increased risk of hospitalization, and 57 percent increased risk of emergency department visits; and
  • Poor social relationships (characterized by social isolation or loneliness) have been associated with a 29 percent increased risk of incident coronary heart disease and a 32 percent increased risk of stroke.

                                                   Old woman staring watching the outside

I am excited to keep going on this journey and to keep learning new things. This character has showed me that many seniors are usually lonely.


National Library of Medicine (Unknown). Social Isolation and Loneliness in Older Adults: Opportunities for the Health Care System. Website link:

CDC (Unknown). Loneliness and Social Isolation Linked to Serious Health Conditions. 
Website Link:,considered%20to%20be%20socially%20isolated.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Research about Drama

Choosing the genre to use was difficult for me. I typically enjoy every genre, so to pick one was a challenge. I ended up choosing drama because I have watched many films that were drama and there are many types of dramas to choose from. I am excited about this project because it will show my creative ideas. Before I come up with an idea I will have researched and talked about the genre DRAMA.

Drama is a subgenre of narrative fiction that aims for a more somber tone than humor. If actors who play characters are used to tell the story, then any media of film or television that feature fictional storylines are considered forms of drama in the broadest sense. The typical target demographic for drama productions is young adults (18–24). Several drama movies today are specifically designed to appeal to female viewers. Dramas come in a wide variety of forms, including action, criminal, thriller, fantasy, and horror. Moonlight is a well-known drama movie that is viewed all around the world.

                                                                Film named (Moonlight) 2016

Drama has produced several incredibly popular movies. They require that every character and scene advance the plot since they are plot-driven. Dramas have a definite narrative plot structure and often feature emotionally charged individuals in settings that are either extreme or taken from real life. Drama movies are the most frequently seen movies because they are frequently thought of as the most realistic genre to the real world. The feelings shown in the movies are relatable to the viewers. Dramatic movies can interest viewers in a variety of ways. The most crucial tactics are camera angles and shots.

In drama movies, camera angles can be crucial for describing the story. Camera shots are the fundamental units of film, and the choice of shot has a big influence on how a viewer interprets the action on the screen. Only the tilt of the shot itself could create tension. The audience's interpretation of a shot can be influenced by the camera angle, which can also be utilized to portray characters as strong, weak, threatening, or inferior.

                                                     Over the shoulder shot (Titanic)

These techniques are being used all over the world to perfect their films. This information will be a great guide for me during this journey. From all this information used I am excited to what I am going to create for the film opening.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Conflict of genres

 Hi, I'm Emilio!

This is the beginning of my project. This will be a long ride for the upcoming weeks. There are many ideas and plans in my brain for this project. I am considering which genre would fit me best because I have specific preferences and opinions. My brain has many options to choose from, for example, Horror, action, comedy, mystery, drama, and more. This makes me think more about what route I should go. My initial plan was to do action which is my favorite genre, but the idea of mystery has really caught my attention. The idea of the characters is a thought I have had recently in my brain. Having to work on a project for this time makes you really open your thoughts and imagination.

The research is a big thing that will help with the project and for me to get information for this blog or film. This is where my journey begins as I will be trying to achieve all my goals for this project. I would like to invite you to come on my journey through my achievements and failures, but also my development in my quality of work.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Music Marketing Blog Post #2

Throughout the project, we as a group had many steps for the project. One of the main parts was research. We would find all the information needed to complete each person's part in the group. We would go to every website to give us the best information we could put either in the research chart or the presentation. We had many ideas for planning and brainstorming. We would put our ideas on our notes and the storyboard that we use for the music video. One important thing we used as a group was working together and collaborating on the ideas we were thinking of. As soon as we worked together everything clicked and we finished the work more efficiently.

During the production and the scenes, we had props and scenery to make a more interesting video. One example we used was the ukulele. For the production we had every step figured out we just needed to execute it correctly. For the video, we tried to make it as entertaining as possible and also to attract the viewers watching it. So, we had cut scenes that explained the story well but also made the audience laugh. For the post-production, we worked well. One person in our group liked to edit and said she would do it and it came out well. We helped as a group to pick the correct scenes to use so the video can come out better. Our presentation was great but we need more explanation about our campaign. For example, we needed to show our merchandise and all of our socials, not just a couple.

One thing I learned from this project is that working together makes everything come out better and makes people collaborate and be social with each other. I enjoyed working with this group because we finished everything on time there was no rush and everything worked out perfectly. Some aspects of this project that will help me for the portfolio project, will be the techniques used for the production and the research need to complete every step. This project will also give me more experience for bigger projects in the future, like the Cambridge portfolio project which is important for the class.

This is some of the research we used.

Company: Warner Music Group 



Case Study #1: 

Case Study #2: 


The origins of WMG can be traced back to the movie studio Warner Bros., which launched Warner Bros Records in March 1958. 


Ceo: Stephen Cooper, since 2011 


Is headquartered in New York 


WMG is a global music entertainment company that operates with recorded music, music publishing, and artist services. 


Warner Music Group is also home to the world’s third biggest music publishing company, Warner Chappell Music 

-Bebe Rexha 

-Michael Buble 

- Coldplay 

- Dua Lipa 

- Paris Hilton 

- Jason Mraz 

- Macklemore and Ryan Lewis 

- Melanie Martinez 


-Sean Paul 

-Include marketing strategies, distribution methods, audience interaction tools and practices, etc. 


Blake Shelton- 


-Country music superstar and multimedia entertainer Blake Shelton is signed to Warner Bros. / Warner Music Nashville his label home 


-Merchandise sold from warner bros store 


-use of social media of engaging posts 


- Billboards and posters of artists in cities or highways 


- Music distributed through YouTube, Spotify, pandora, etc 


- warner bros music group website  

-Include marketing strategies, distribution methods, audience interaction tools and practices, etc. 


Shy Carter 

-Is signed to Warner Music Nashville/ Warner Bros 


-Shy Carters official website, showing his music, and videos 


-social media of Shy in concerts or upcoming tours 


-Merchandise from online stores and websites 


-Songs and music videos through YouTube, Spotify, Soundcloud, apple music, etc 


-Billboards and posters in the streets 



Company: universal music group 



Case Study #1: 

Case Study #2: 




Universal Music Group N.V. is a Dutch American multinational music corporation under Dutch law. UMG's corporate headquarters are in Hilversum, Netherlands and its operational headquarters are in Santa Monica, California. 


CEO: Lucian Grainge (Mar 9, 2011–) 


Founded: September 1934 




  • Taylor Swift. 

  • Bad Bunny. 

  • Sting. 

  • The Weekend. 

  • Billie Eilish. 

  • Drake. 

  • Otis Redding. 

  • Ariana Grande. 



-Include marketing strategies, distribution methods, audience interaction tools and practices, etc. 


-Luke Combs 

 is signed to Universal Music Group under Sony Music Nashville • Universal Music Publishing Group (UMPG) has signed Luke Combs to an exclusive, global publishing agreement. 


-brand management and merch clothing sell through amazon and concerts 

- music is distributed by Sony Music Nashville to platform such as YouTube and streaming services like Apple Music, Spotify, and SoundCloud 

-use of social media like Instagram to post upcoming movies and tours dates 

-posters in streets and highways announcing new music and concerts 

-the number one tool of marketing will be digital marketing  

-Include marketing strategies, distribution methods, audience interaction tools and practices, etc 


-Carrie underwood  

Is signed to Univeral music group since March 28,2017, Underwood’s label home will be Capitol Records Nashville, one of four labels that form Universal Music Group Nashville and country label of the year for eight consecutive years. 


- 47 nationally aired TV ad campaigns for Carrie Underwood 

Music distributed by UMG to platforms such as YouTube and streaming services like Apple Music, Spotify, and Soundcloud  

-presentations in awards such as the AMA’s and The Grammys 

- CALIA BY CARRIE UNDERWOOD, partnership with Dick Sporting Goods 

-Partnership with Body armor beverage –use of social media like Instagram to post upcoming movies and tours 

-posters in highways and streets 

CCR Reflection

The time has come. Click here to watch my CCR part one and two. Part one- Part two-  https://ww...